St. John the Baptist is a small but mighty congregation, which has been a steadfast faith community in the southeast Wyoming town of Glendo for over 80 years. Since its inception, having been linked with neighboring Episcopal congregations and served sacramentally by out-of-town priests, we have functioned pretty much on our own since the beginning. Therefore, a strong lay ministry is at the core of our being.
Worship services are often lay-led, with Holy Communion being celebrated twice a month by visiting priests. Members of the congregation share roles of Worship Leader, Lector, Intercessor, Acolyte, and Preacher. An important ministry of St. John the Baptist is funerals, led by one of our Worship Leaders, who has officiated most of the funerals in the Glendo area and surrounding ranching community for the past 40 plus years. Others ways members serve are through the altar guild, piano playing, church maintenance, newsletters, etc.
We have an active Ladies Guild that focuses on outreach. Some of the outreach projects include; our Card Ministry sending over 30-40 cards per month, collecting personal care supplies for Bobbi’s House in Douglas, Project Safe in Wheatland, a women’s shelter in Casper, purchasing school clothes for less fortunate children in Glendo, paying water bills for families who get behind on their utility bills, contributing to the community benevolent fund and supplying the local mini-food bank with food on a rotating basis in conjunction with the other churches in the Glendo area. The Ladies Guild’s primary annual fundraiser is a Thanksgiving Pie and Bake Sale, where our church makes over 100 pies that are frozen and sold.
9:00 AM
(307) 331-0329
Lloyd: 110yds0mrs@gmail.com
PO Box 412, Glendo, WY 82213
502 3rd St, Glendo, Wyoming