Mission, Outreach
& Evangelism
The Episcopal Church in Wyoming is committed to creative new ways of “being and doing church” in Wyoming. The Mission, Outreach and Evangelism area exists to inspire and resource our churches in nurturing vitality and encouraging innovation, so that they grow in depth and breadth. We also support new expressions of church.
Here are some examples of how we can assist your local church:
Hold a Future Church Summit Retreat as you design your future together
Brainstorm renewal or redevelopment opportunities for your church, your buildings and your leaders
Experiment with new expressions of worship in community and share fresh liturgical resources and ideas
Determine how you are called to go out to serve your community and assist in connecting with those who cannot or will not participate in traditional expressions of the church
Conduct missional leadership assessment to help discern potential leaders
To learn more about the various programs and opportunities available, contact Rev. Bobbe Fitzhugh, Canon for Mission, Outreach and Evangelism: bobbe@episcopalwy.org
Missional Communities
– cultivating faith communities inside, outside and alongside the existing church
Please click here to view resources
Please click here to view resources
– proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in our words and actions