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Continuing Education, Episcopal Church in Wyoming

Continuing Education 

Continuing Education for Clergy

Participating in continuing education provides not only knowledge, but an opportunity to network with other church leaders, a chance to refresh and renew your ministry, and breathing space to reconnect with your calling in the Spirit.  All resident clergy who are active in the diocese must complete 12 hours of continuing education each year and report that to their vestry and the diocese.  Please see the policy and reporting form links.  There are also links for registration to upcoming events that are considered continuing education opportunities in the diocese.


Continuing Ed Policy 

Clergy Report Form

Epiphany Study - Seeking the Way

Continuing Education, Episcopal Church in Wyoming

Adult Education

There is an expectation that we will mature and grow in our relationship with Christ, as evidenced by St. Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth; “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. . . I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for solid food.  In fact, you are still not ready. . .”   It is indeed a lifelong quest.


The Episcopal Church in Wyoming endeavors to provide opportunities for spiritual growth and development for all seekers in our churches.  These opportunities come in many forms and trainings.  Please see below for some links to our current offerings and for ongoing required trainings: licensed ministry, Safeguarding God’s Children, EfM Mentors.  If there is a need in your church for a particular formation opportunity or you would like some help exploring your options, please let the Diocese know.  We are looking for ways to grow our formational offerings. 

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