Discerned Ministry
Discernment Process
The Episcopal Church in Wyoming has a prescribed discernment process for those seeking a deeper understanding of the ministry to which they are called, whether lay or ordained.
The idea of discernment is about seeking God’s specific calling as clearly as possible on one’s life.
In the context of discernment for ministry, the process is an intentional way of seeking guidance and understanding, and invites the active participation of other members of the Church. It involves commitment on the part of the person inquiring, and on the part of those engaging in the process with them.

Holy Orders
The journey from nomination to ordination to the Sacred Order of Deacons or Priests is a road that unfolds as we seek to discern God's will on several levels, involving both individuals and communities.
Four basic entities are involved in this process of discernment:
The Individual (I) - The person nominated; the Congregation (C) represented by the rector or vestry; the Diocese (D) represented by the Bishop, the Commission on Ministry (COM), the Standing Committee; and a Mentor (M) - a priest and a mentor will be assigned by the COM to assist the person on the journey.

WISE Lay Ministry
​The WISE Lay Ministry initiative has been designed to facilitate a path for leadership in ministry for laypeople in our churches to provide support and growth for the critical role of lay ministry in our Diocese,
WISE Lay Ministers are considered Lay Theologians in their church communities. They are called to be enablers of mission, to be inspirational teachers of the faith, and to be influential leaders in church and society. They may be called to preach and teach, to conduct or assist in conducting worship, and to assist in the pastoral, evangelistic and liturgical work of the Church in the congregation(s) where they serve.
Roles and scope for WISE Lay Ministers will vary across the diocese dependent upon the needs of churches and gifting of the ministers themselves, and will be exercised in their local context in collaboration with the leadership of their church. Alongside their own particular calling to ministry, each WISE Lay Minister will be automatically licensed to perform all current licensed lay ministries in the diocese.
WISE Lay Ministry differs from licensed lay ministry. Laity who would like to be licensed for specific ministries are still welcome to follow the current licensing guidelines for their particular ministry.