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The Episcopal Church in Wyoming uses the Safe Church, Safe Communities program created by Church Pension Group.  This online training, hosted by Praesidium, helps in the education and training for preventing and responding to sexual abuse in everyday life and in ministry. It is geared to clergy, parents, youth workers, vestry members, congregation members who are responsible for protecting children and adults, employees of churches and church organizations, and volunteers responsible for planning, implementing or supervising ministries, activities or programs. 

The Safe Church modules are pertinent to the issues facing communities today. Each module takes 20-30 minutes and can be completed in separate sessions. While different courses are required based on different roles in the church community, many others are available that address issues that may be relevant to your particular context.

How to sign up:  To request Safe Church training, please fill out the following form. An email will be sent to you within 48 hours with individual login information after completing this form.

Refer to the chart below to to discern the courses you’ll need to complete based on your role.  

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