Come and renew your spirit!
Tucked high in the depths of the Wind River Mountains in the southwestern corner of Fremont County is St. Andrew’s Church in Atlantic City. Our church door is always open for those who wish to renew their spirits. We offer the food table named Cheryl’s H.O.P.E Depot and the Angel Box for hikers and bikers traveling the CDT. These are examples of our love for others.
“Seeing the church for the first time is something spectacular. From the architecture of the building to the breathtaking view of Atlantic City, beauty that most have never seen. I found the worship service to be delightful. The congregation might be small, but their sense of togetherness as a community and their roles are many in action and word. After church services, it’s a quick transfer to the Parish Hall for more fellowship and nonchalant chatting with the congregation, which also makes this community whole. Even a first-time churchgoer would be able to comprehend the message.” - Brandon Crawford

Sundays - Morning Prayer
10:00 AM
1 Sunday per Month - Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:00 AM
Our History
The original log church was first built in 1912, when Atlantic City was one of the largest communities in Wyoming and gold mining was at its height. After the “bust” happened, when the city slowly evolved into looking closer to a ghost town, the church was kept alive. Eventually, the road through South Pass was greatly improved, and St. Andrew's Church transitioned from serving as a sanctuary for miners and prospectors, to becoming an important spiritual center for the remaining residents, as well as passing through athletes and tourists.
(307) 265-5200
50 Forbes St., Atlantic City, WY 82520
50 East Forbes Street, Atlantic City, Wyoming