St. Andrew’s in the Pines works to reveal Jesus’ presence to people in Sublette County and worldwide. As well as Sunday morning Holy Communion and Saturday evening Taizé contemplative services, we provide overnight housing for people stranded in Pinedale, people newly released from jail, and Sublette County Sexual Assault/Family Violence Task Force (SAFV) clients when there isn’t room in the shelter. We host Narcotics Anonymous. We partner with The Food Basket, which runs the food bank and counsels and educates people living in poverty. With three other local churches, we do a free Summer Lunch program and the Community Thanksgiving Dinner. We also team with the Sublette County Prevention Coalition, and advocate for the homeless and those at risk.

Saturdays at 6:00 PM (Taizé style)
Sundays at 9:00 AM
Our History
St. Andrew’s in the Pines began providing worship services for Pinedale in 1937. The present building, a beautiful log church, was built in 1938. Its sanctuary is known for its plate glass altar window that looks out onto a magnificent vista of pine trees and a swift-running creek.
(307) 367-2674
PO Box 847, Pinedale, WY 82941
524 W Pine St, Pinedale, Wyoming