The Church of Our Saviour in Hartville is a church of hospitality and open doors. We are a church that thrives on community and shares our gifts with those throughout our community. Gathering people together to share Christ’s blessings is one of our most significant rewards. We invite and encourage all to join us at Our Saviour’s.

9:00 AM
Our History
The little stone church at Hartville stood on the route of the old Chisholm, Oregon and Mormon trails. Monthly services began in 1911. The original building was made from local stone, nestled in a hillside between two cliffs at the end of Hartville’s main street. In 1939 the building was restored and is today an active church.
(307) 259-9261
Rex Martin: rexrhondamartin@gmail.com
PO Box 64, Hartville, WY 82215
9 Lincoln Street, Hartville, Wyoming