Christ Church receives and welcomes everyone to participate in our services and activities. As our Mission Statement says, “Christ Church exists to spread Christ’s Good News in Glenrock and beyond through joyful, welcoming, inclusive worship, outreach, and service.”
We are a family of faithful gatherers who genuinely and wholeheartedly invite and welcome through our doors both all who believe in Jesus Christ and his teachings, as well as those who seek to learn more about Christ’s Way of love. Our caring for one another and our friendliness to all who enter are noticed and remarked upon by newcomers, visitors, and visiting clergy.
Christ Church’s people strive to include our entire congregation in God’s work, whether it be as lectors and worship leaders, acolytes, greeters, altar guild, or providers of refreshments for coffee hour. Christ Church is a safe place for our multi-generational congregation, whose age ranges from two to ninety-two.

9:30 AM
Our History
The first Christ Church building was constructed around 1887. Its beautiful Guild Hall was completed in 1923, and from the beginning it was used for parish activities and school and town functions. Tragically, the original nave burned in 1925, the parish held their regular worship services in the Guild Hall. For many years, the Hall was also the venue for the weekly luncheons of the Glenrock Community Club, and the worship services of the Lutheran Church in Glenrock. Construction of a new log nave started in August 1937. The logs were cut and brought down from nearby mountains and the beautiful building was completed in early 1938.
(307) 436-8804
PO Box 298, Glenrock, WY 82637
415 West Cedar Street, Glenrock, Wyoming