Seeking The Way in Our Time : An Epiphany Study
The speakers at our 2021 Convention were just too stimulating to keep to ourselves.
Therefore, the Episcopal Church in Wyoming is providing materials for a study for the church season of Epiphany (January 6 - February 27, 2022) that is based on our speakers. Everything you need to lead a spirited discussion group is provided in order to engage with six of the talks given at our 2021 Diocesan Convention.
We hope you will be inspired when you hear what these gifted and courageous speakers have to say. Their vision and honesty echoes one another, speaks to the place many of our churches find themselves in right now, and brings hope for our journey into the future.
Each talk lasts 40 minutes to an hour without interruption, so you can expect each discussion session to last 90 minutes or so depending upon the amount of discussion by your group. These videos and guides lend themselves to your group meeting in person or online for six sessions (one for each video) or divided into more sessions, especially if you find discussion running long. You may organize the provided materials as needed to fit the scheduling requirements of your church.
Leader Study Notes