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Moses and Jesus Parallels

All Years

The season of Lent is just  around the corner. I look forward to this Lenten time on the church  calendar, as I find that so much spiritual depth can come about,  individually and collectively, by embracing each new season in our  tradition and immersing ourselves in it. I love the distinct door of  entrance into each of our liturgical seasons that we are given,  profoundly reminding us that we are moving into a new intentional  spiritual rhythm.

In a couple of weeks,  leaders in our churches will be standing in front of our congregations,  saying and praying this moving invitation:

"I invite you, therefore,  in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by  self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial;  and by reading and meditating on God's holy Word."

This new Lenten liturgy  focuses on the life and ministry of Moses in the Hebrew Bible and of  Jesus in the Gospels, and the parallels between them, and is based on an  alternative set of Biblical readings. The Wyoming Worship Committee  hopes that drawing these parallels together throughout the season of  Lent may help people experience Lent in a new way.

The new set of readings  for this liturgy draws from Exodus and Matthew with responsorial Psalms  and Collects for each Sunday. The Biblical readings selected provide  content with depth for preaching and worship as we make our way through  Lent.

There is material for  services of Holy Communion and for Word & Prayer, which will work  with the new readings provided. However, they also can work as well with  readings from the Revised Common Lectionary if that is preferable.

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